









查看我公司的 耳模拟器系列产品, 包括根据60318-4标准发布的最新改良型耳模拟器,其测量频率高达20kHz和50kHz。

点击此处查看我公司客户Meze Audio公司使用GRAS RA0401耦合器进行高频测试的案例 。

观看使用GRAS 43BB耦合器测试耳机的视频:






查看我公司的  耳模拟器系列产品, 包括根据60318-4标准发布的最新改良型耳模拟器,其测量频率高达20kHz和50kHz。

点击 此处查看我公司客户GN Audio公司使用GRAS 设备进行测试的案例。

观看使用GRAS 45CC测试装置测试耳机的视频:


(copy 8)


Production engineering (PE) is rarely a separate department but most often a function handled by engineers belonging to either R&D or production line teams.

The PE function is responsible for aligning tests across the entire manufacturing process, determining the best way to test on the PL for the targets set in R&D and ensuring that testing is well defined to meet all test criteria. 

A flexible test stand is one of the important elements a production engineer needs in order to develop and refine functional testing for headphones and headsets. As requirements, complexity and operator skill will vary depending on where the test stand is placed, it is important that different test stands and tools are aligned. This could, for example, include advanced R&D test solutions with head and torso simulators like GRAS 45BB and 45BC as well as simpler and easier-to-use test stations such as table-top test fixtures like GRAS 43AG or highly flexible production line test fixtures like GRAS 45CC, which includes many different configurations suitable for multiple test scenarios.

The PE function plays an important role in ongoing productivity improvement by ensuring alignment between R&D and the PL. This alignment involves the process of specifying target test parameters and configuring test stations on the PL to reliably provide the results according to the target specifications defined by R&D. All with the common goal of ensuring data consistency, test efficacy and repeatability from test to test and across multiple test stations.

Check out our family of ear simulators, including the new and improved IEC 60318-4-based ear simulators capable of measuring high frequencies—up to 20 kHz and 50 kHz.

PL and QC

Production line and QC testing ensure that the actual production matches the target quality and that no sub-standard samples hit the market.

Test equipment must provide repeatable and precise measurements every day to ensure that headphones and headsets that do not meet specifications are not delivered to the end users.

The complexity of test setups increases as the number of features increase. Also, it is important to ensure the quality of the measurements: Data consistency and repeatability from one test to the next and across multiple testing locations.

Downtime and low yields are no-go’s on production lines, and this is why the products offered by GRAS for PL and QC testing have been developed in close collaboration with leading companies in the global headphone and headset industry.

Check out our family of ear simulators, including the new and improved IEC 60318-4-based ear simulators capable of measuring high frequencies—up to 20 kHz and 50 kHz.

Read our customer case with GN Audio on test solutions using GRAS equipment here.





测试依据的标准包括IEC 60268、IEC 60318-1、IEC 60318-4和ITU-T Rec P.57等。几十年来,这些测试标准在实践中得到了验证和完善。但产品改良也对测试方法提出了新要求。因此我们开发了若干改良型测试解决方案,其中包括多个经改良后符合IEC 60318-4标准、兼容低噪声测试、高频测试和高分辨率测试的耳模拟器。




我们定义的高频测试频率可达20kHz。高频测试采用符合60318-4要求的改良型耳模拟器进行。所述耳模拟器完全符合前述标准要求,而且测试频率扩展到了20kHz;此外,由于完全符合IEC 60318-4标准要求,频率范围扩大,失真测量及可重复性表现优异,这一耳模拟器成为了各种基于耳模拟器之测量解决方案的合理首选产品。这也是我们将其作为“新常态”——即711耳模拟器的继任产品推荐的原因。


测试高分辨率耳麦时需要使用测试频率不低于40kHz的测试方案。可使用1/4” 麦克风测试方案,但通常情况下测试方案最好能反映测试对象低于10 kHz的真耳声阻抗。我公司的高分辨率耳模拟器可提供测试对象的真实声负载,符合IEC70318-4标准要求,可重复性更好,且测试频率范围不低于50kHz。唯一美中不足的是敏感度较低,导致本底噪声较大。