Probe microphones

Probe microphones are used for measurements in difficult or inaccessible situations, for example at high temperatures or conditions of airflow. The right-angled design makes it particularly well suited for measurements in exhaust systems and machinery in general, as well as for scanning surfaces such as loudspeakers and cabinets.

GRAS probe microphones are among the range of special microphones that furthermore includes 

GRAS 40SA 探头传声器

Freq range: 2 Hz to 8 kHz
Dyn range: 40 dB(A) to 166 dB
Sensitivity: 3 mV/Pa

GRAS 40SA 探头传声器

GRAS 40SA 探头传声器体积小、结构紧凑,适用于在小型机柜、恶劣环境和非常靠近声源的地方进行声压测量。探头顶端的高声输入阻抗将其对声场的影响降至最低,同时探头的不锈钢管可承受高达 800 ºC 的温度。

GRAS 40SC CCP 探头传声器

Freq range: 2 Hz to 8 kHz
Dyn range: 40 dB to 160 dB
Sensitivity: 3 mV/Pa

GRAS 40SC CCP 探头传声器

CCP 40SC 探头传声器是一种小型恒流供电装置,结构紧凑,适用于在小型机柜、恶劣环境和距离声源非常近的地方进行声压测量。探头顶端的高声输入阻抗将其对声场的影响降至最低,同时探头的不锈钢管可承受高达 800 ºC 的温度。

GRAS 67SB 爆破探头传声器,符合 ANSI S12.42 标准

Freq range: 10 Hz to 20 kHz
Dyn range: 52 dB(A) to 174 dB

GRAS 67SB 爆破探头传声器,符合 ANSI S12.42 标准

GRAS 67SB 爆破探头是根据 ANSI/ASA S12.42 标准设计的脉冲测量参考传声器。

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