Infra-sound Microphones

Normal measurement microphones have a very wide frequency range and cover most practical applications. There are however special situations where special microphones are required. One such application is the measurement of infra-sound. Normal measurement microphones have a low-frequency cut-off at about 3 Hz, but in some applications it is required to measure down to close to 0 Hz. Examples of such applications are the measurement of sonic booms and explosions (both chemical and nuclear), and noise generated by machinery such as diesel engines, wind turbines and specially designed mechanical transducers.

To achieve a very low low-frequency cut-off of down to 0.09 Hz, a special microphone combined with a special preamplifier and a low-frequency adapter is used. To account for pressure variations close to 0 Hz, a special ambient pressure equalization system with a very long settling time is used. For this reason, it is necessary to allow the microphone system sufficient time to settle if it has been subjected to fluctuations in ambient pressure, for example from changes in altitude, wind or a closing door. Microphone, preamplifier and low-frequency adapter are assembled and calibrated as a complete unit and should not be separated by the end-user.

A standard sensitivity calibration at 250 Hz can be performed using a Pistonphone. A low-frequency calibration requires special equipment and must be performed at our calibration laboratory.

GRAS infra-sound microphones are among the range of special microphones that furthermore includes 

GRAS 46AN 1/2" LEMO 自由场标准麦克风装置,低频

Freq range (±3 dB): 0.5 Hz to 20 kHz
Dyn range: 17 dB(A) to 149 dB
Sensitivity: 50 mV/Pa
Use: For low frequency acoustic diagnostics

GRAS 46AN 1/2" LEMO 自由场标准麦克风装置,低频

GRAS 46AN是一个1/2英寸传统电源(LEMO)自由场麦克风装置,用于测量低频的中等声压级。它采用7针LEMO连接器,与TEDS兼容。同等的恒定电流电源(CCP)型号是 GRAS 46AZ.

GRAS 40AN 1/2" 外部极化自由场传声器,低频

Freq range: 0.5 Hz to 20 kHz
Dyn range: 14 dBA to 149 dB
Sensitivity: 50 mV/Pa

GRAS 40AN 1/2" 外部极化自由场传声器,低频

40AN 是 IEC 61094 WS2F 等级的 ½" 外部极化自由场低频传声器,带后通风装置。预极化等效产品是 GRAS 40AZ。

GRAS 40AZ 1/2" 预极化自由场传声器,低频

Freq range: 0.5 Hz to 20 kHz
Dyn range: 14 dB(A) to 148 dB
Sensitivity: 50 mV/Pa

GRAS 40AZ 1/2" 预极化自由场传声器,低频

40AZ 是一种预极化自由场传声器,具有较大的动态范围和较宽的频率响应。其外部极化等效产品为 GRAS 40AN。

GRAS 46AZ 1/2" CCP 自由场标准麦克风装置,低频

Freq range (±3 dB): 0.5 Hz to 20 kHz
Dyn range: 17 dB(A) to 138 dB
Sensitivity: 50 mV/Pa
Use: For low frequency acoustic diagnostics

GRAS 46AZ 1/2" CCP 自由场标准麦克风装置,低频

GRAS 46AZ是一个1/2" 恒定电流功率(CCP)自由场麦克风装置,用于测量低频的中等声压级。它以BNC连接器为终端,与TEDS兼容。相当于传统的200V(LEMO)类型是 GRAS 46AN.

GRAS 47AC 1/2" CCP 次声传声器组

Freq range: 0.09 Hz to 20 kHz
Dyn range: 20 dB(A) to 148 dB
Sensitivity: 8 mV/Pa

GRAS 47AC 1/2" CCP 次声传声器组

GRAS 47AC 是一款 1/2" CCP 自由场传声器组,专为低至 0.09 Hz 的红外测量而优化。

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